We’re Just Ordinary Folk

Dear Friends:
Bob and I were fortunate enough to travel to Waco, Texas in the summer of 2017, and visit Chip and Joanna Gaine’s Magnolia.  On that trip to Texas, we thought it would be fun to gift a rain gauge to Chip and Jo. What a beautiful trip, and what a treat to see all that they have created! We experienced the beautiful store, yummy bakery, and outside pavilion with food truck vendors galore. We also managed to see Harp Design Company and JD Designs. Imagine our surprise, after we returned home, to receive a beautiful hand-written thank you note from the Magnolia Team in appreciation of the Copperdreamz Rain Gauge gift. How cool is that?

Back in 2012, I was able to attend my very first Pioneer Woman book signing. It was early fall when I made the trek to Kansas City on my own! I was amazed by her energy and spirit, and loved that she connected with everyone in the audience so well, had some free gift giveaways, and then we were able to have our books autographed by Ree! It was a long afternoon, but well worth the time invested. I was able to purchase books for my mom, and all my sisters as well, and present them as Christmas gifts! What amazing presents. In addition, I was able to gift Ree with a Copperdreamz Rain Gauge for her beautiful ranch in Oklahoma!

Being a huge Food Network nerd, I have since attended all of the subsequent Pioneer Woman Book signing tours when she has visited Missouri and Nebraska, and acquire a newly signed cookbook each time. Bob and I were also fortunate to travel to Pawhuska, Oklahoma in the spring of 2018 for our anniversary, and stay in the Boarding House, and visit the delightful Mercantile. What a treat!

We also were fortunate to win a Backyard BBQ, courtesy of the local Channel 8 KLKNTV, and we gifted our favorite
meteorologist, Luke Dorris with a Copperdreamz Rain Gauge. This was an awesome experience, and we were fortunate to make a great friend.

Bob and I have been vendors at the local Lincoln Haymarket Farmer’s Market, selling our Copperdreamz Rain Gauges since 2002. I started this venture with my mom, who had been a vendor at the market for ten years prior. What a gift to have that fun time with my mom, getting to grow our business, and connect with other vendors, and customers from all over Nebraska, and the United States. We have so many visitors to the beautiful Lincoln area in the summer months, and our Copperdreamz Rain Gauges have new homes in almost all 50 states! At the Farmer’s Market, we also sell Janni’s Lemonade and Confections, and we encourage you to make the trip to Lincoln!

We value our customers, and hope you enjoy our product. You can find our Copperdreamz Rain Gauge ad in Mary Jane’s Farm Magazine, and also find Copperdreamz Rain Gauges available for sale on Etsy.

We appreciate your support and we love bringing you a fun addition to your yard or garden. As always, we are here to answer any questions you may have. We appreciate being able to bring a creative, fun piece of art to your garden or yard. Enjoy!

Happy Landscaping!

Bob and Jan Schoonover